Monday, March 29, 2010

Opening for Dr. Caligari - Part One

In creating an opening for Dr. Caligari, my group (consisting of Mark Connors, Mark Gillies and Sian Farrell) created a new Room for Dr. Caligari which is roughly outlined by the image below.
The main concept of our new Room for Dr. Caligari is that along the lines of my original room, in that it conveys the duality of Dr. Caligari's personality - a theory that was evident in all group member's rooms. The Room is broken into three 'sections', the first being the Doctor's office - a 'normal' front that he offers to the public. This space is to be designed by Mark Gillies.

When one enters the room what appears to be a wall adorned with angular marks sits behind Dr. Caligari's desk. However, as one moves through the space it becomes evident that these angular marks are in fact seperate wall panels that progress through a labrynth. This spaec is to be designed by Mark Connors, in a very similar fashion to his original Room.

After one emerges from the intimidating and mysterious labrynth, one enters the 'heart' of Dr. Caligari. This space is like that of a personal cave in which Cesare is kept. This space is to be designed by me.The plan for the third section of Dr. Caligari's room I wanted to be an encompassing environment, one that seems secretive and personal. I tried to achieve this by having the walls wrap around the user like a cave as they enter.The section of the Room explains more of the atmoshpere of the space, with the main focus being Cesare's 'coffin' in the middle of the back wall. His coffin is framed by a window, which serves to emphasize it. As one emerges from the dark and intimidating labrynth into the 'heart', they are blinded by the sudden light surrounding the coffin as it is pure and undiluted, which will disorientate those who look directly at it. This use of light creates a sharp sense of contrast through the space.

I also began experimenting with adding further shaddow effects to my plan and a background to my section to supply a further sense of what it would be like to inhabit this space.
Floor Plan


By adding a background and context to my section, a greater sense of the space is created. And the shadows cast by these trees in the plan add a more interesting pattern and shadow contrast.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Room for Dr. Caligari

whilst watching The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, i began to sketch, jotting down images and concepts from the film that caught my eye or seemed significant in some way . i noted a large variety of sharp, harsh and sinister shapes, mostly triangular .

therefore in my design, i wanted to include these dramatic shapes, as well as the irregularity and distorted nature of most of the sets, in my design for Dr. Caligari's room . As a starting point, i chose a context in which to base my room around, and that was of Dr. Caligari's office as the Director of the Mental Institution . This notion of Dr. Caligari as both the 'mad scientist' and respected medical doctor was one i wished to express within my design .

i did so by creating two dimensions to my room for Dr. Caligari . on the surface the room seems like a simple office - Dr. Caligari's desk surrounded by medical books and paraphernalia, with an interesting pattern expressed in the background . the only clue suggesting his wicked nature being the jagged and dead trees framing his office .

however, there is a duality to Dr. Caligari's office, one which is only visible when one is not facing Dr. Caligari's desk (and him) directly, a metaphor for how people's personalities can differ when we look at them in different ways . the angular pattern behind Dr. Caligari's desk reveals itself to be a progression of wall panels that lead through a dark and winding labrinth, which eventually leads to the 'coffin' of the Somnambulist .

in creating my floor plan and section, i realised that the sensory nature of my concept is lost in my virtually technical drawings . this is a skill i struggle with and hope to develop through this unit, as i am so used to creating perfectly neat and clear plans and sections .

through out this week i have been trying to advance these drawings to express how a user would feel within these spaces, but so far have not come close to effectively portraying the duality and sinister atmosphere of my design .

.. must keep trying ..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Folie Design

i know its late in its posting, but here is the folie i designed for Howard Smith Wharves a few weeks ago.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


so this is my blog and electronic design journal for dab510 - beyond representation.
every week i'll upload my thoughts, inspirations and progress.